Keeping Resolutions Alive! Patience Over Perfection

“ Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.”

—Matthew Jacobson

As we continue to navigate the new year, I’m hoping that our little ones are continuing to unleash a flurry of resolutions. Brace yourselves for the "I'll eat all my veggies" and "I'll make my bed every day" declarations.

While we know that for many they begin to fall off the wagon at this point, and it's tempting to don the parenting hat and start to remind, lecture, preach, etc. let's talk about the word: patience.

Your kids just vowed to conquer the world, one broccoli floret at a time. Instead of being the resolution referee, how about we nod along and say, "You got this!" Support is the key, not a checklist of expectations. We know they might falter, and that's okay.

Sure, there's a line between encouraging and enabling. Step in when necessary, but resist the urge to take the reins completely. Kids need to stumble a bit to find their balance. So, be the safety net, not the control freak.

Here's the deal: Patience is the key, and I mean, a truckload of it. It's about supporting their resolutions without turning into the resolution police.

Q-TIPS (Quick Tips) for Dealing with kids during this time of the year:

1. Setting the Scene:

As your kids spill their grand plans for the year, resist the urge to critique. Instead, throw confetti (metaphorically, of course) and let them bask in the glory of their newfound ambitions.

2. Be the Silent Supporter:

Sure, you've been around the block, and you know life can be a bit of a rollercoaster. But for now, zip it. Be the silent cheerleader. Your unwavering support speaks louder than a hundred parental speeches.

3. Manage Expectations (Yours, Not Theirs):

Don't set the bar too high. They're bound to face detours on the road to their resolutions. That's life. And guess what? It's okay. It's more than okay. It's a lesson in resilience, and that's a quality better learned through experience.

4. Hands Off (Mostly):

Resist the superhero cape. Don't do everything for them. Let them face the challenges, the scraped knees, and the Lego tower collapses. Trust me; they'll emerge stronger and more self-reliant.

5. Patience is Not a Virtue, It's a Superpower:

Your patience can be transformative. In those moments of frustration and impatience, take a deep breath. Your zen mode might just trigger a self-discovery journey in them, and that, my friends, is more magical than any resolution achieved.

5. Be their coach, and remain curious:

Use curiosity questions to guide them to reflect on their choices, successes and challenges. Let them come to their own conclusions and resist the urge to jump in with the answers. Remember, children learn by discovering the natural and logical consequences of their choices.

So, let's drop the micromanaging act. Instead, let's be the cool, calm anchors in their storm of resolutions. They may not conquer the world this year, but they'll learn to conquer themselves.

As we usher in the new year, let's make a pact. A pact to be patient, to be supportive, and to let our children navigate the highs and lows of their resolutions. After all, being a parent is not about molding them into mini versions of ourselves; it's about guiding them to be the best versions of themselves.

Let patience be your parenting superpower this year. As your little ones navigate the maze of resolutions, be their calm in the storm, their silent supporter, and watch as they unfold the pages of their own story. Because in the end, it's not about the resolutions they achieve; it's about the resilience they develop and the lessons they learn along the way.

Cheers to a year of patience, discovery, and the beautiful chaos of parenting!


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